
Summer @ Golden Gate Bridge
Who am I?
My name is Tracy Watanabe, and most people know I see the cup as half full, even when there's only condensation showing.

I'm a mom of two, a pastor's wife, a daughter, a friend, my daughter's soccer coach, and an educator.

Any of these license plate holders would be appropriate for my car: I'd rather be snowboarding, playing soccer, painting, touring an art gallery, or learning.

What are my interests?
Watanabe Summer Vacation @ Cabo
I spend much of my free time learning about tech infused learning, innovation, collaboration, and pedagogy. After 11 years in the elementary school classroom, and 6 years in Educational Services as the Technology Integration Specialist and Common Core Co-Coordinator at AJUSD, I am now a Technology Integration Content Specialist for the Curriculum and Instruction Department at Ventura County Office of Education.
My daddy and me @ Central Park

What do I blog about?
My blog is a place to reflect on engaging kids via educational technology. It's my place to share with others some of the ideas in my head. I am passionate about education, and welcome comments on my blog. Thanks for visiting!

Disclaimer: Views expressed here are my own and may not represent those of my employer or any other entity.

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