Summer Reflections

When I started the, 8 Weeks of Summer Blog Challenge for educators, I found myself continuously thinking of insights and inspirations. As a result, I've condensed my reflections to one post.

Week 2Ponder your Professional Past -- What has contributed to the educator you are today?

Listening to the students, and trying to meet their needs contributed the most to my being the educator I am today.

Each and every student has different motivators and needs. Discover what works best, and continue to evolve.

Week 3: Leader & Follower -- How are you both a leader and a follower in your career?

The best leaders are also followers, because we improve by learning from one another. We learn with our students, colleagues, administrators, staff, families, and communities. It reminds me of that quote, "The smartest person in the room, is the room."

Week 4: Lead Learner -- What are optimal conditions in which to learn, for you, and for students?

When thinking through Maslow's Hierachy of Needs, I find the optimal learning conditions. When we are healthy, safe, feel like we belong and are valued, then we are able to push forward and optimally grow -- learn.

Week 5: Big Hairy Audacious Goal -- What is your BHAG for next school year?

My BHAG is to consider employment allowing me to live up to my full potential, while building others.

Week 6: Plan to Change -- How are you planning to implement change next school year?

I think Maya Angelou says it best, "If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude."

Week 7: Professional Learning -- Check-in on where you are in your summer learning journey and your overall professional journey.

I'm an educator. A learner. A person.

Week 8: Moving Forward -- What will you keep from the #8WeekofSummer Blog Challenge moving forward?

Everyone has strengths and areas for improvement. In order to promote growth, we should take time to reflect, accept, and plan. 


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