Analogies, Visual Representations and Metaphors for DOK

Our teams are focusing on creating rigorous learning activities by applying Webb's Depth of Knowledge (DOK) Level 3 and 4 tasks . "Webb developed four DOK levels that grow in cognitive complexity and provide educators a lens on creating more cognitively engaging and challenging tasks," ( New York City's Department of Education ). By focusing on DOK 3 and 4 levels, they are providing opportunities for students to engage in rigorous thinking as they connect with the content. This post will focus on analogies, visual representations, and metaphors as avenues for creating engaging DOK tasks. Analogies Analogy prompts are great ways to check for understanding (Wiggins & McTighe in UbD), and they are DOK 3 tasks. This can be done with any content area. Here are a few examples: Finding the line of symmetry is like finding a matching shoe because both sides are now the same size and same shape. Spelling correctly is like washing your hands after usin...