Blogging and RSS

I don't want to make the same mistake I've made in the past of going all in teaching everything I know about a topic all at once. Professional development needs to be tailored to the readiness level and rolled out in layers over time.

To be honest, it requires discipline on my part to not share everything because I'm excited and want to push on to the next step. The other day I held a class introducing blogging and RSS through Google Reader. My goals were to introduce them to what blogging was, and how they play a role in education.  They serve as self-selected professional development and a way students can share with an authentic audience.

It's important to tier professional development training in layers just like I would new content for students. In a one to two hour training, less is more. That means introducing less new concepts is more effective than introducing many new concepts, especially when it comes to educational technology.

There are some who were ready for more, so pointing them in the right direction is key. I plan on personally connecting with each of them. Making my first bundle for them was also guidance towards the next step.

I want to thank Edublogs for the Teacher Challenges. They guide me, taking one step at a time. Thank you!


  1. Hey there, Thanks for the comment on my blog regarding RSS and Reader.
    Here is a link to the Youtube video I created
    Creating a bundle is a great idea and I will also be posting my bundle on my blog. To view your bundle, go to "browse for stuff" then your bundles. Once there look underneath your bundle for the edit link. Here is my bundle
    Thanks again for all of your comments.

  2. Thank you, Mr. Riley. I watched the Youtube you created. Great job! I'll have to put a link to that. I also like your bundle. Thanks for including me in there.

    Kind regards,
    Tracy Watanabe

  3. Thank you for saying this. This comment is so true that tiered instruction is just as important for teachers as it is for students. I always want to share my exciting differentiation resources (ad nauseum). And I only serve to turn people off.

    Judy Twetten

  4. Hi Ms. Twetten,

    Yes, we both share a passion for ed tech to engage and differentiate students' learning. Isn't it tough though to be excited about it, and yet to acknowledge that the readiness level of the person you're talking to? That's just another thing I'm still learning about.

    I must say, having people to connect with on blogs who have similar passions, has been one of the best things for me. I can share all my enthusiasm as well as hiccups, and can learn with others.

    Thank you for coming to my blog and connecting with me on this.

    Kind regards,
    Tracy Watanabe

  5. I stopped by to check out your glog (directed from teacher challenge). Great job! Do you use glogster with your students?

  6. Hi Tracy,
    I've only created a few glogs, and have not created one with students yet. However, Mrs. Martinez, the teacher that let me blog with her students, has. Have you used it with students?
    Kind regards,


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