
Showing posts from February, 2013

Digital Storytelling and Stories with the iPad

Digital storytelling is a first person story, where the narrator is digitally sharing his or her story; while a digital story is narrated in third person and shared digitally. Both can include imagery, background music, or motion. They also incorporate storyboarding, writing a script, revising, and publishing (the elements of writing). Benefits Here are some of the many benefits of digital storytelling and digital stories: The 21st century skills and ISTE's NETS applied are critical and creative thinking; written, oral, and digital communication; collaboration; authentic learning; digital fluency; informational fluency; and project management. It is great differentiation for all students including ELL, gifted, and special needs. It increases student engagement in a meaningful and relevant task . It can be used as an authentic assessment. Common Core Standards Many specific content standards ca...