#Rockstar Meme: 1 Year Blogging Anniversary

I was recently invited by an amazing woman, Joan Young, to participate in the #Rockstar Meme -- How Blogging Rocked Your World. This is such an honor, and the timing couldn't be better as I celebrate my first year anniversary of blogging.

Why blogging?

Blogging helps me reflect, process, and focus, which provides clarity. I think in brainstorms, adding ideas and eliminating others as I rule them out. The process I go through to write a post helps me decipher ideas and connect new meaning, leaving me with a sense of calmness and closure.

Expected blogging benefits

It's expected to be an organized place to keep notes on my learning. Saving time is another expectation because I spend much of my time answering emails about tech integration. So, it helps to post it on my blog.

Unexpected blogging benefits

I didn't realize the connections that evolve from blogging. Until nine months ago, the only blog I followed was my best friend's. The change happened when I stumbled upon a Tweet about the Edublogs Teacher Challenge, which pretty much opened Pandora's box in such a great way.

Connected and inspired

I thrive when I'm having fun learning, creating things, connecting, and making a difference in the lives of students and teachers. My batteries recharge when I'm around others who have the same passion.

Blogging connects me with innovative and passionate educators. I go to their blogs over and over because of the inspiration they give me. They recharge my batteries.

The #Rockstar Meme

Created with Sketchpad & Aviary

Those who inspire me the most through blogging are the #Rockstars that I'm passing the meme baton to:
This meme, started by Miguel Guhlin, is about how blogging rocks your world. The typical meme expectations are to link back and comment on the originator's post, and pass the meme baton to five others.

I believe memes are for recognizing others as inspiration, and it's not actually expected they write a post.

Final thoughts

If you want to be inspired, I highly recommend the five bloggers I named because they are #Rockstars!
  • Who are your #Rockstars?
  • How does blogging rock your world? 


  1. Tracy,
    I am so pleased that this coincides with your blogging anniversary. You are inspiring and so giving to the blogging community, with your posts as well as your thoughtful comments. Thank you for mentioning me! I am so happy to have met you and connected this summer at ISTE! Who knew a tour with Ronnie Burt would lead to so many great connections ;-)
    You are a rockstar!

  2. Wow, am I ever humbled and pleased that you have included me in that amazing list of inspirations. Thank you so much! Blogging has rocked my world, and I am excited to start thinking about how I will respond to this meme. Thank you so much, Tracy! What fun!

    And congratulations on one year of blogging at wwwatanabe!

    Warm regards,

  3. Hi Tracy,

    Thanks so much for your kind nomination!

    I am so glad I have got to know you over the last year or so. You're definitely a valued member of my PLN and I have learnt a lot from you.

    Your positive attitude towards life, teaching, technology and everything really rubs off!

    I'm not sure if I'll get to do a post but I want you to know I appreciate the nomination!


  4. Dear Joan,

    I thank you for being the person you are, so open, passionate, and inspiring. Within the first hour I met you, you taught me how to send a picture in Twitter, something I didn't know could be done. Then, throughout the ISTE week, we kept crossing paths... and continue to do so.

    I'm so glad Ronnie Burt organized the Edublogs ISTE Meet-Up to tour Independence Hall. That's just another example of Edublogs bringing people together.

    Kind regards,

  5. Dear Denise,

    It is very obvious how much blogging rocks your world. You are transparent and passionate about learning, and it shines through all your digital footprints because your beliefs show in your actions. Thank you for being a #Rockstar!

    Kind regards,

  6. Hi Kathleen,

    I believe that every post you write is a #Rockstar testimony of how blogging rocks your world. Just this past week you wrote about the Benefits of Educational Blogging. You continually take students, parents, colleagues, and teachers from around the globe under your wing and help them grow. You have such poise and always know how to encourage others. Thank you so much for making a difference in so many lives. It is such an honor to learn with you.

    Kind regards,

  7. Tracy, I am humbled and honored to be in such Rockstar company! Denise, Kathleen, Sue, Linda, and you have so inspired me to keep going, keep blogging, keep working to help students work today in ways that support their futures. I have not yet met you or any of these kind people, and yet I know that each of them would respond to questions and help out when asked. And just reading their blogs to learn a new idea, strategy, or connection is so helpful to my students and myself. So, really, I am so honored by your kind words and inclusion with these master teachers! Thank you!

  8. Hello Tracy,
    I have passed the baton on:
    Sue Waters with Ronnie Burt Encourages at Edublogs and blogging how-tos
    Silvia Tolisano Shares so many HowTos in Language Arts and Digital Learning (Skype; Blogs)
    Marsha Ratzel Shares about Google Apps, Blogging, and Other Technologies
    Larry Ferlazzo Shares “Best of” Websites, ELL; So much to share!
    Nancy Carroll Inspiring Fourth Grade teacher using technology
    Paula Naugle Inspires Skyping and Blogging in the classroom


  9. Dear Sheri,

    You have helped me so much this past year. What you don't know about me is I'm the lady who never spoke out at a staff meeting, with the exception of once when I was standing up for the benefits of PBL. Now, I spend approx six hours a week, training educators. I can't do it without a strong network of people helping me grow and recharging my batteries. You are definitely someone that helps me grow, reflect, and encourages. So, thank you for everything.

    Now, I'm going to venture over to your blog to read about your amazing #Rockstars!

    Kind regards,


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