Edublogs Teacher Challenge

I saw a Tweet about the Edublogs Teacher Challenge. Intrigue took me to the link, to discover other educators interested in learning. There's a challenge to support the beginners, the advanced, and you can opt for mentor support. How cool is that?

I chose the beginner's challenge because I'm new to blogging and I would love to learn more about it. As I encourage other educators to blog, it is natural that I do the same. Plus, as I learn, I will get more insight to pass on to others.

AJUSD hosts Peer Coach Training
What I struggle with is knowing that I don't have one topic to blog about and sometimes wonder if I should. For example, should I have a different blog for each of the different topics of my focus: Project-Based Learning, Collaboration Coaching, 21st century learning environments, one-to-one, professional development for learning with technology, etc.? That just seemed like too much to manage, so I stuck with one. However, it is still a thought that I continue to wonder about and grapple with. What do you think?

I love this idea of a Professional Learning Network! Thanks so much for the Edublogs Teacher Challenge!


  1. G'day Tracy,
    Welcome to the teacher challenge. Deciding what your blog is going to be about is a question many of the participants have had to think about.

    As you have so many topics to blog about, I would have each of them in a category (label) then have the labels visible in your sidebar for others to click on.

    PS You might also need to have Name/URL as an option when visitors sign in to leave a comment.

  2. Thank you so much for the tips! I just read about "category" for the first time earlier tonight, so now I'll need to figure out what that is and how to do it. =)

    As for the Name/URL option, I had that as the preference in my settings. Does that mean you have the option of writing your name and URL to leave a comment instead of logging in?

    Again, thanks for taking the time to help a Newbie out!

  3. I think I found the answer to the Name/URL option. Is that the OpenID option? I saw this - click here.

    PS I learned how to put the link in from Mrs. Yollis' class blog!

  4. Dear Tracy,

    Well done! I found your blog by following the link you left on my blog! Love it! :-)

    As I showed in that video tutorial, I leave a Word doc on my desktop with the HTML code for making a hyperlink. That way, if I'm leaving a comment, I can quickly open up the doc, drop the url into the code, add a link word/words...and copy it into the comment. It makes it easier for me.

    I have several blogs. My main one is the class blog, but I also have a 365 photo project one and others. Just start in. You can always change the focus of a blog. Think about what will help you grow as a learner...and document that in a blog.

    I think it is nice to add a subtitle to the blog. For example: Mrs. Yollis' Classroom Blog/ Third graders learning and sharing together. It tells reader what they can expect to find on your blog. You know, is it a teacher resource blog? Classroom blog? or Student blog?

    Happy blogging!


  5. Thanks so much Linda. I love the idea of a "quick reference sheet" on my desktop, and just created one.

    I also appreciate the tip about the subtitle. I hadn't thought about that until I read your comment. You are right, I appreciate that in the blogs I go to. So, that will be my goal for later today.

    Again, thank you for the comments and for all you do for students. It is inspiring to see the students engaged in their learning. I hope to share your blog with many others in our district.



  6. Hey Tracy, thank you so much for your kind words on my blog.

    Your blog is looking great. Your about page is particularly lovely.

    I also have multiple topics to blog about and I just go for it: no fear, no limits. If my topic is loosely related to education I usually just let it all out and press "publish"! So cathartic.

    Best of luck with the challenge.

  7. Thanks Amy, I look forward to following your blog. I appreciate your humor!



Post a Comment

Directions for posting:

1) Choose "Comment As" first. If you don't have a Google/Blogger account, you can choose Name/URL and type in your name, then place the web site that best describes you in the URL (i.e. Or, you can choose "Anonymous".

2) You may need to press "Post Comment" more than one time.

It is always wise to copy your comment before pressing "Post Comment" just in case something happens.

3) Type in the word verification.

4) If you did everything correctly, it will state, "Your comment has been saved and will be visible after blog owner approval." If you do not get that message, please try again.

Click here for a tutorial on how to comment.

Thank you!

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