Collaboration Coaching in AJUSD -- Partners In Learning

Principals and Coaches came together to discuss school-wide professional development and community.

We started by sharing what's been successful with collaboration coaching. One of my favorite quotes was from Gina Fraher:
My triumph in collaboration coaching is twofold.  I have made some valuable relationships and learned some tools to foster new relationships.  The second triumph for me is personal.  I have been given valuable tools, resources, and mentoring in technology that I never would have had if I had not done this coaching program.  I feel that this has been the single most valuable opportunity I have been given in a long time.

I loved the discussion that arose when we compared collaboration coaching to a day on the slopes. Some key points brought up were:
  • You can't start off on the black diamond runs, you need to start on the bunny slopes. Some people take longer on the bunny slopes than others, and that's okay.
  • It's a cycle that continues. You take a lift up, and hopefully shred on your way down.
  • It's important to know how to fall so you don't get hurt.
  • It's fabulous when you share the gondola with friends, and ski/board down together. You might all take the same run, but each of you carve it up differently. In the end, you all have stories to share and reflect on...

The action steps set for next year focus on continuing to open doors, celebrate successes, foster growth, and meeting teachers where their needs are.

Below is our photo collage that started at the beginning of the year, and includes today's training. 

I want to thank all of our principals and coaches for sharing the afternoon with me. Thanks to Jon Castelhano, Director of Technology, for partaking in today and for your support. Special thanks to Superintendent, Dr. Wilson, for coming by before your other speaking engagement, and for setting the vision and focus of AJUSD.

Last but not least, thank you Peer Ed and especially Shelee King George, for helping me think through tonight's training. I couldn't have done it without you!

Our Professional Development was based on Session 7A, Partners in Learning-Microsoft Peer Coach Training. During part of today's training, we looked at "DeforestACTION" PBL from the Partners in Learning Shout! Network.


  1. Tracy! That slide show is awesome!!!! Thanks for taking the time to put it together!

  2. Hi Taylene,

    Thanks so much. I worked hard to bring you all something special for all of the wonderful you all do all the time!



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