One-to-One Success Story Tip #1 about P.D.

Recently I read a post by Nick Sauers titled, "Common frustrations with one-to-one." He found that those who were frustrated with one-to-one had issues with lack of professional development, and weak infrastructure.

To his second point, I have to say kudos to our Tech Department because I don't know of any infrastructure issues because everything was exceptionally planned out.

To his first point, I have learned a lot about the professional development needed in a one-to-one environment.

Adjusting the Professional Development

I had been training them in one swoop -- so one training of this or one training of that. Those who were tech savvy, needed that one time of show me the basics and I'll figure the rest out on my own. Well, that was the minority.

There were several who would ask me some basic questions about technology integration, and it became clear to me what needed to happen. They needed small doses over a continued amount of time.

Ongoing, Small Doses of Training

Professional Learning Community at CCJH
I decided to come to their school every Monday for thirty minutes and work with those who wanted repetition and a slow pace with tons of review and repetition. Did I mention repetition?

We started by looking at Google Apps--Forms for assessing students and checking for understanding.

Professional Learning Community

I was grateful that I was with this group of educators the day I opened up my laptop and noticed that Google Apps had a "face lift." We unanimously decided to figure out where things were and how it changed our class procedures. I would have been frustrated if I was by myself at that moment, and was glad we all went shoulder-to-shoulder to learn together.


It was such a hit that there was a demand for another day a week of bite-sized trainings. Tina Jada, has taken the role of facilitating the second day of training for those who couldn't make the first.

That's evidence of a healthy learning community.

This post was inspired by Nick Sauers' article and counsel; the guidance of One-to-One Institute; the influence of Peer Ed; and mostly by the wonderful group of CCJH teachers -- you guys rock!


  1. You have be a treasure! I can't express in words what I have learned from you.

  2. Lydia, it's mutual. I have learned so much from all of you, and I am thankful that we have an open learning community where all of us educators, including myself, can tap into our strengths and learn at our own pace based on our own readiness. It's amazing how much growth has taken place in just one year, and that's because of people like you and so many others who have opened their doors ... Thank you, thank you, thank you!


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