Favorite Apps According to a 4 Year Old

Don't you just love the conferences that gives your brain food to digest? There is so much that I got from the NSBA 2010 Teaching & Learning Conference, but my brain always starts with it's heart which goes to my kiddos. My four year-old daughter is currently reaping the benefits from the iTouch Break Out session I went to on Tuesday (thanks Mansfield Independent School District). I ended up downloading many apps for her and so far this is her list of favorites:
  • Doodle Kids  
  • Doodle Buddy 
  • Kids Math Ace
  • Puppy Jigsaw
  • My First Words Animals
  • The Bee Sees
  • Vocal Zoo
There were many more on the list. What do you recommend for your preschooler? 


  1. Her new favorite is the Ladybug's Bookshelf. She loved having the book read to her and the games; but was disappointed that only one book was free and it would cost $2.99 (to her, that equates to a whole month of chores) to get 3 more books. She wants Santa to give her iTunes cash! lol

    To view the App, see http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/ladybugs-bookshelf/id392049880?mt=8&s=143441&ls=1


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