How are We Using Technology in Classrooms?

Technology has changed how we do things in our daily lives such as shopping, banking, communicating, and it has changed how we should do school.
Photo Credit: Reeding Lessons via Compfight cc

When I was a child, I remember spending so much time going through microfiche to find just the right bit of information to share with the teacher. In those days, finding the right information and recollecting that information was the mark of a good student.

Today, knowledge and information is at our fingertips. In fact, there is so much information that it's tough to know where to start and what's the best source to use. Therefore, accessing the right information at the right time is more important than just finding information.

Focusing on skills rather than knowledge is a shift in how we do school. It changes what students are taught and how they are taught.

What do these shifts look like in the classroom?

This type of learning is easy to capture because there are artifacts as evidence of learning. I could have gone to any number of AJUSD blogs to look for artifacts, but was able to find a plethora of content to share from Mrs. Hamman's post titled, The End of Another Great Year!

Final thoughts

How we “do school” has changed, and focusing on 21st century learning skills is the shift taking place. We see this shift in the Common Core State Standards, and we see this shift as a necessity to prepare students for college and careers.

Change isn't easy, but it's a necessity. I'm proud of our school district, because we are focused on giving our students 21st century, student-centered classrooms.
  • What shifts do you see in how we "do school"?
  • Change takes time, and progression occurs one step at a time. What goals have you made to take another step forward this school year?
  • What questions or comments do you have regarding this post?

Note: This post was written because I was asked to speak at the Rotary Club meeting about how AJUSD is using technology in the classrooms.


  1. Hi Tracy,
    Love that quote from Darwin!

    One of the shifts we are noticing is that we have more access than ever before to some great technology thanks to forward thinking administrators who understand the need for it. Also more teachers are working towards 'adapting' their teaching styles to incorporate these 21st century skills while going outside their comfort zones. Educators are seeing beyond "the technology" now and focusing on the skills! For many years it was just about using technology and now it's about "how" we are going to use it to collaborate, create and share our knowledge.

    Thanks Tracy for another great post! I really enjoy learning from you!

  2. Hi Tracy!
    I really enjoyed your post.
    As teachers we need to adapt our knowledge to these days, and depend on us take the advantages technology provides.
    For example, Nearpod app allows me to personalize my class, create and share presentations an control each student activity in real time.
    How could imagine this years before?

  3. A common question I have encountered as a future teacher (I am currently pursuing a Master's in Secondary Ed, at UofM) is how has technology changed education?

    I think this post clearly answers that question. I love the idea in your powerpoint that you gave about exposing students to things that are happening in real-time that are across the globe. I myself, a future French Teacher, love that idea. I think the ability to use technology to connect with other cultures and people is something that many people miss. I will definitely introduce my cohort to your blog.


    1. Thanks, Destiney, for your comment and for sharing with others. I'm glad this post was valuable to you.

      I'll be expanding on this post with a webinar, and with examples from some of the teachers referenced in this post, on the Classroom 2.0 LIVE! show on Saturday, December 7. It would be great if you could join us!

      Kind regards,


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