My #ISTE12 Reflection, Part 2

In my last post, I shared some of the big takeaways I had from #ISTE12. This is a continuation of that post, with the focus on these questions:
  • What had the most impact on me at ISTE, and what memories will be most prominent from that week? 
  • What new goals would I set as a result of #ISTE12?

JoAnn Jacobs, me, Joan Young, & Julie Hembree
6. While ISTE was filled with amazing training, there was something unique about ISTE that I've never experienced from any other conference, and that's the continued learning once the official sessions were over. The continued learning occured during conversations with others.

Hanging out at the Bloggers' Cafe was one of my favorites because of the amazing conversations with others.

My goal: I intend on hanging out virtually with some of my blogging buddies.

7. I appreciated the resources from the Common Core and PBL poster session by Diane Midness, iEARN-USA with Losira Okelo and BIE's David Ross

iEARN's projects were aligned with Common Core and sorted by grades, and they'd be happy to show us how to dig in via a webinar.

From the conversation with David Ross, I learned about Buck Institute's (BIE's) new launch of free PBL PD, called PBLU, aligned with the Common Core.

My goal: I would like for this to be listed on my district's Prospector University (where we list PD for teachers to sign up if they so desire). It would have the dates and information for our teachers so they were aware of this awesome PD.

Google Advanced Search
8. There were so many awesome resources shared during the Smackdown, part of the SocialEdCon on Saturday. -- (Does anyone have a list of these?) Some of the ones I want to try are:
  • Reflection -- to send what's on my iPad to my computer to project on the screen
  • IFTTT -- You create a search and a response based on if this "trigger" then that "action"
  • Comic Life -- easy to create comics on the iPad or desktop
  • SlideWriter -- this app makes it easier to edit on iPad
  • Google -- I didn't realize I could search specific sites such as Twitter via Google! You can do this by typing in " keyword" or through the Advanced Search option  
My goals: A) I want to try all of the above, and put them to use. B) I need to tag my Apps in Diigo better. Right now, I just tag with "iPad" and "App." Instead, I need to be more detailed. I'd like to create a wiki with some essential apps for my district based on where they are now... and have other resources with lists of apps such as "7 Free iPad Apps for Educators and Students." Anyone have one created, or know of one, that I can use as an example (or join so I don't reinvent the wheel)?

9. Peer Coaching Panel Session-- This is one I can't forget because I was on it, and am thankful for the great experience. I learned a lot by presenting as a member of a small group with two people I had never met face-to-face before. I was so nervous about presenting that I couldn't focus that whole morning on anything else until it was over. In fact, I tried to go to a session that I really wanted to learn from, however my own thoughts about what I was going to say kept getting in the way of my listening and learning. Despite my nerves before the session, I was comfortable and confident in front of the audience, and felt like I was connecting with them.

My goal: If I ever get an opportunity like this again, I'll be sure to ask that we practice extra times to help my nerves so I might be able to think about other things prior to presenting. :-)  I'd also ask someone to take a photo for me to publish in my post. 

10. Even though the days were packed with so much training, spending time with online friends face-to-face was an amazing experience, and it recharged my batteries. It's amazing to think of how connections via web2.0 has changed friendships and learning!
Sunday outing: Sandy Rollefstad, Sue Waters, me, & Ronnie Burt
Lunch with: Sandy Rollefstad, Linda Yollis, & JoAnn Jacobs
Photo by John Miller: Julie, Kathleen, Linda, Sue Wyatt, & me
Walking after lunch: Me, Paula Naugle, & Sandy Rollefstad
Nate, Kathleen, me, Julie, Linda, Sandy, Ronnie, Anne, Sue, & Mr. 13

Final thoughts

There were so many spectacular sessions going on at the same time, but I could not physically be in more than one place at a time. However, Twitter made it possible! I loved that I could still learn by following the Twitter feed of other sessions. Some Tweets that stood out for me were from Joan Young while in Jackie Gerstein's Flipped Classroom Session:
  • What new apps/tools are you giving a try or would recommend?
  • How has web2.0 changed how you learn and connect?
  • What has this post left you thinking about?


  1. Tracey
    Having read both your posts and the posts of some of the others, the conference sounds just wonderful. I can identify very much when you mention that the day of your being up front the nerves robbed you of others input for a time. Isn't that so human!

    It must have been fantastic to meet up with all the people you have meet up with online. So exciting! Thanks for sharing the highlights.


    1. Hi Kathryn,

      Yes, it was such a joy to meet so many of my online friends. Although, I haven't met you, Denise Krebs, Sheri Edwards, Nancy Carroll, and many others. Maybe one of these days. =)

      Thanks for commenting!

      Kind regards,

  2. Tracy,
    Thank you so much for your very detailed and thoughtful reflection. I always enjoy reading your thoughts because you take your time and really delve into the deep part of learning and share so much of yourself when you convey it to others.
    I also want to try IFTT as well as ComicLife and slide writer. Beyond tools, though, I am thinking about what these rich relationships that we have developed offer us, and how very glad I am that we met last year at ISTE11. I really look forward to connecting with you and sharing in more learning together. You are a gem to all of us who know you!

    1. Joan, the feeling is mutual!

      I enjoy learning and sharing with you!

      Kind regards,

  3. Tracy,
    i had to go back and read your initial post and then read this one to get the full picture of your thinking. You have laid out a very good plan to follow throughout the year based on the learning that took place. This plan will not only enable you to add to your practice but also share with your school community.
    Your personal guidelines are clear and can be carried out because of pinpointing what you would like to implement. I think each one of us takes away something different from conferences. Mine this time was more personal and healing.
    I hope as you move forward with your plan you share how it goes so those of us who follow you can continue to learn with you.
    JoAnn :)

    1. Thanks JoAnn for your encouragement to follow through with the goals I've set. I will be sure to share how it progresses this year!

      Yes, your time at ISTE was much deserved. Many blessings to you this fresh new school year!

      Warm regards,

  4. Tracy, I am so glad we got to meet and spend some quality time together while at ISTE. I have been an admirer of your blog and now I am part of it. I love how I now feel connected to you and I look forward to our collaborations through the year until hopefully we will see each other again at ISTE13 in San Antonio. Enjoy the rest of your summer.

    1. Thanks Paula! Yes, it was so nice to meet you in person and hoping that ISTE13 works out for all of us! I look forward to learning more from you this upcoming year!

      Kind regards,

  5. Tracy,
    I love seeing all the photos. That makes me want to go to ISTE sometime and meet some of my online friends. You really met a lot of people. That adds to the friendship in such a big way, doesn't it?

    One of the new tools I've been using this summer is Good Reads. I always get all these ideas for my classes. I'm not sure yet, but we just might give it a try in school too. Last summer I tried Flickr for the first time, and then found ways to use it with my students. I love learning new things!

    Thanks for linking to my "friendship and learning" post, Tracy! And thanks for sharing all the pics and learnings from ISTE!


    1. Denise, I'm hopeful for the day that we'll meet in person. In the meantime, it's so much fun hanging out on G+, in Twitterville, and the Blogosphere! =)

      Kind regards,


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