Tech & Innovation Awards

Do you know what I love about seeing education awards, especially in innovation and technology? It raises awareness of the standards of excellence, highlights innovation, and merits those who set the bar... Although to them, it's just a norm.

Want to know what also inspires me when I see technology and innovation awards? It reminds me of where we are as a district and the amount of growth AJUSD has made in a year. Last year, I had to force my way into a majority of the classrooms; whereas this year, there almost isn't enough time for me to work with all the teachers and students who want to collaborate and integrate technology.

We are starting to shift from the traditional teacher-centered classroom to the 21st century student-centered classroom. Engaging students has become a focus in our district and it's awesome! So when I read about awarding innovation and excellence in education, I envision our teachers receiving those nominations and awards--more importantly, I see our students engaged in learning and loving it. That's inspiration. 


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