Voting for Edublog Awards

It's an honor to announce four of our AJUSD members and several of those I nominated have been shortlisted as finalists for several Edublog Awards.
Voting is open until 11:59 pm (USA Eastern Standard Time) on Sunday, December 9th.
  • You can vote once a day, for as many categories as you want.
  • Only one vote will count per day, per IP address. For those at AJUSD, that means only one vote counts from the district network, so please vote from home.
Here's how to vote: 1) Go to the Edublog Awards Voting Page. 2) Use the drop down menu to select your category and choice. Then press vote.

Below are the voting categories and blogs of our AJUSD people and friends. Take some time to explore their blogs and what they contribute to education.

  • Best Twitter Hashtag for Education: So happy that #comments4kids is on this list. If you are not sure how Twitter Hashtags work, read this post by Kathleen Morris.
  • Best Use of Videos and Media in Education 2012: I love how students help create educational posts on Mr. Avery's Classroom Blog.
  • Best Free and Open Professional Development For Educators in 2012: Love seeing Edublogs' Teacher Challenges listed here. This is how I learned to blog, through their free PD.
  • Best Individual Blog, Best Ed Tech Blog, and Best Teacher Blog: There are so many awesome blogs here, but I want to point out the blog I nominated Integrating Technology in the Primary Classroom, Kathleen Morris' blog, is in all three of these categories. I am honored to have my blog, wwwatanabe, listed here as well.
It's an honor to be nominated and shortlisted for voting. I'd like to encourage you to vote for your favorites to celebrate what is going on in education around the globe.
  • What are some ways you contribute and celebrate education and learners? 
  • How do the Edublog Awards raise awareness of fabulous 21st century learning around the globe?


  1. Congrats to you! I am so happy to see that you have been recognized as you share such wonderful information. Thrilled that so many of the individuals I enjoy following are listed as well. I can not wait to check out some new blogs to add to my reader!

    I love the Edublogs Awards because it's nice to see people being highlighted for their brilliant work!

    You know you will be receiving my vote!

    1. Hi Nancy,

      There are many new blogs I've been introduced to through the Edublog Awards. It really is a fabulous way to raise awareness for 21st century learning, and it helps open minds to shift away from a teacher-centered classroom, and towards a learning-centered classroom. Building a PLN and engaging in the PLN helps with that--it helps open minds to new possibilities that engage students in fabulous learning... it helps us learn how to do new things and to take risks of innovation and growth... and in my opinion, that's what is being celebrated through the Edublog Awards.

      Kind regards,

  2. Tracy, thank you for explaining these more in depth - many of these I haven't heard of, and I have only heard of the Edublog awards this year! I've seen the banners, but still don't know the process. Just glad that Gallit and Denise have started the Genius Hour wiki - I keep suggesting it to everyone who wants to try something different / better / new... Thanks for your great blog - I've been voting every day since I heard of it! -Joy

    1. Thanks for commenting, Joy! I learn about so many new blogs from these awards.

      Kind regards,


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