Nominate a Classroom Super Hero

The other day I sent the following email, "I'd like to nominate you as a Classroom Super Hero! Would you please register at the Classroom Super Heroes site? Thank you!" is a project of the National Education Association. It allows parents, students, and community members to show educators the support they deserve. 

If you are a teacher, it's also recommended that you register. This way your posts about nominations will show in the comments.

This is just a way to encourage those wonderful people who make a difference in kids' lives.

PS Wouldn't this be a great writing prompt?


  1. I've seen on the discussion forum for Blogger, that others are experiencing difficulties posting to Blogger... which is why we've missed some posts.

    I know of at least two of our AJUSD educators who have been nominated as a Classroom Superhero: Elizabeth Francois and Mangum. Please let me know if there are more... or go check out what's been said about them.

  2. I have nominated Gina Fraher, but I still don't see her name on the site. So, I wanted to leave the comment here for others to see.

    Gina Fraher inspires me. It is clear that her focus is student engagement and rigorous active learning.

    She takes curriculum and evaluates how students can learn the content with for mastery. To learn at mastery, it must go beyond just knowing the answers, it requires being able to apply their new knowledge and understanding in critical thinking, problem solving, and decision making.

    Mrs. Fraher knows that it requires creativity, collaboration, and hands-on learning for students to understand their new content at the level required for critical thinking and problem solving.

    She seamlessly creates those conditions.

    Furthermore, she truly understand that to be able to create such rigorous active learning, it requires collaboration with other educators. She generously collaborates and receives insight from other teachers. By doing so, she expands her fabulous ideas for engaging students, to the ideas of others. This is the example that inspires me.

    She has moved from the teacher-centered classroom to a learning-centered classroom.

    Thank you, Gina, for all you do!


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