Ingredients for Successful Technology Integration and Learning

1/3 Cup Standards-Based Task
1/4 Cup 21st Century Thinking
1/4 Cup Problem-Based or Project-Based Task
2 Tablespoons Choice
6 Tablespoons Purpose
3 Tablespoons Audience
1/3 Cup Authentic Assessment

Combine Standards-Based Task with 21st Century Skills. With mixer running, add Problem-Based or Project-Based Task. Add 2 Tablespoons student choice for technology that best suits their needs in order to complete the task.

Transfer to saucepan. Bring Problem-Based or Project-Based Task to boil. Over medium-high heat, slowly stir in Purpose. Choose a purpose that motivates your students. Blend in audience, stir frequently. Boil until mixture is smooth with an engaging task that is relevant for your students.

Serve in a manner that catches their attention before they even begin. You want them excited to try your dish.

Criteria for assessment should be made ahead of time.

This blog was inspired by Patrick Ledesma's article, "Student Choice: An Important Step for Meaningful Technology Integration."


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