Google Classroom 101

Google Classroom integrates Google Apps for Education (GAFE) tools such as Google Docs, Gmail, and Google Calendar to name a few. It then allows the teacher to distribute and collect assignments paperlessly.

Google Classroom with iPads too

Google Classroom is not just for Chromebooks, it's a useful management tool for other platforms such as iPads as well. For instance, one great way to collect student creations and manage the workflow on iPads is through Google Classroom.

What is Google Classroom and how does it work?

Why should I consider Google Classroom?

Here are a few reasons why Google Classroom should be considered:

  • It helps organize discussions, assignments, projects, or assessments online.
  • Classroom helps students organize their projects, assignments, tasks, etc. and keep track of upcoming assignments, or assignments already turned in and teacher feedback or grades.
  • Classroom could foster communication.
  • Classroom saves time, especially when working with Google Apps, and it is free. NOTE: You must have a GAFE account to qualify to use it.

Using Google Classroom with iPads or Android?

  • First, you'll want to download the app in iTunes or Google Play.
  • Below is an overview for using Google Classroom with iPads:
  • Click here for a tip on saving from the iPad to Google Classroom. 

More Tutorials and Resources

Where can you go to find out more about using Google Classroom? -- See below:
Final thoughts

I remember the first debut of Google Classroom, and appreciate how it has evolved and improved the e-workflow in the classroom.

  • What might be some other benefits of Google Classroom?
  • What are some questions you still have about using Google Classroom?

The original draft of this post was sent as a series of emails, shared Google Docs, and an unpublished draft in 2014, which has been updated and published... finally. 


  1. Another good resource is a new book by Catlin Tucker: Creatively Teacher Common Core Literacy Standards with Technology. I just started using Google Classroom and her book has helped tremendously.

    1. Thanks for sharing. Catlin Tucker has fabulous resources for Google Classroom and Google Apps for Education.

      Here's another terrific resource to add to this collection: 100+ Great Google Classroom Resources for Educators by Vicki Davis.


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