Nominations for the 2013 Edublog Awards

The purpose of the Edublog Awards, or Eddies, is to raise awareness of educational blogging and social media for learning.

Image Credit: Edublogs
Here are my nominations:
Final thoughts

It's all about the kids and their learning opportunities. Without educational uses of social media and blogging, students might not realize the power of their voices, nor would they have the opportunities to learn with other beyond the four walls of the classroom.

I would like to encourage you to share your nominations with others to spread the word of the power of educational blogging and social media for learning. Nominations are open until December 1st.
  • Can you think of a better way to raise awareness of the power of educational blogging and social media other than the Edublog Awards?
  • Were there new blogs/resources/ideas shared here that you hadn't heard of before?


  1. Dear Tracy,

    Thank you so much for the nomination. I appreciate you thinking of me!

    I love the Edublogs because I get a chance to learn about new blogs and resources and get reminded of others. I just added Em's Canvas to our blog roll. Is Ethan still blogging? If so, I'll add him too!

    Thanks, again, for thinking of me, Tracy!

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!

    ~Linda Y♥llis

    1. Hi Linda,

      Thanks for adding Em's Canvas to your blog roll! She'll be so excited when she notices (and I'll point it out if she doesn't notice).

      Ethan said he wanted to take a break from his personal blog because they were participating in the Student Blogging Challenge in one of his classes, and does some blogging in another class as well.

      Have a wonderful Thanksgiving, my friend!

      Kind regards,

  2. Tracy, thanks for nominating Comments4Kids again this year. :)

    1. Absolutely! Thank you for the vision & willingness!

  3. Thank you for the nomination, Tracy!

    1. Absolutely! Not only is this a student-ran blog, I love that the local news picks up the posts and republishes online and in print! This shows the quality of the posts!

  4. Hi Tracy, OMG! Thank you for thinking of my little tweets! You are such an inspiration to me, so this is an honor. ! Thanks for nominating the other amazing educators. It's important to recognize them for all they do. #comments4kids is key to student blogging. Take care! Sheri

    1. Sheri, You are such a valuable part of my PLN, and I learn so much from and with you! Your Twitter feed always encourages me to push forward in my learning. I thank you!

      Kind regards,


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