Collaboration and Management in Google Apps

Original Photo Credit: star5112 via Compfight cc
Adapted by Tracy Watanabe
Two heads are better than one.  

October is Connected Educator's Month. Get connected, and move beyond connection to collaboration.

Collaboration is key for this day and age in both face-to-face and virtual environments. One of my favorite collaborative tools include Google Apps for Education.

The presentation below was created for a training I offered regarding collaborating in Google Apps and tips for management with those tools.

  • What are ways you use Google Apps to collaborate with others?
  • What management tips would you add to this?
  • What thoughts or questions do you have about collaboration and management in Google Apps?


  1. Thanks for sharing this awesome information! I am really interested in the quiz you used to differentiate your training. That sounds super interesting. How did you manage that? May I see a copy of the quiz (requested access but not sure if you get that message). Thanks again for sharing! Cheers!

    1. Hi Jeanne,

      Glad this was useful! I created the quiz with the fewest amount of questions possible, based on what my AJUSD teachers may have heard before. This way I'd be able to see where I should focus my time with them.

      Here's a copy of the survey. Please send a new request to share if it does not let you view. I do get those requests, and honor them when I haven't published it for others to view already.

      It was a one hour class, so we skipped several areas (eg maps, sites, email filters, etc. but I let them know about them).

      Kind regards,

    2. Excellent! Thanks so much!

  2. Tracy, I really appreciate the way you are working to personalize learning with the teachers in your district. WIth the Common Core State Standards, there is such a big learning curve for teachers and admin., whatever we can do to come alongside them in the process at Tech. Specialists is something I know they appreciate (well, a lot of the time). Trying to do much in an hour is a challenge, so I find myself working to coach and helping teachers set small goals for their tech. integration. Google Apps, obviously, is a powerful set of tools and we use them in our district, as well. By the way, the slides you created are very clean, easy to read, and I like your use of ovals/arrows. It's hard to find just the right tools at times to make them look neat. What tool(s) did you use? Anyhow, keep up the good work. You have a wonderful job - observing, coaching, PD, curriculum, etc.

    1. Hi Glenn,

      I agree, it is wonderful to serve others and to know that it'll impact students' learning. I never wanted to leave the classroom, which is perhaps why I'm so passionate about helping others in their classrooms and schools.

      I like your approach of setting small goals, it's key for them to have the quick-wins/success. It also helps them to take a step forward based on their readiness.

      Some of the slides were created with Google images. Other slides were created with Pages. And some were created with a combo of the two.

      I wend to your about page on your blog and noticed you work at a high school. Do your teachers ever look for other high schools to connect with for special projects, audiences, etc.? If so, please keep us in mind.

      Kind regards,


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