Nominations for 2012 Edublogs Awards

I love awards because it's a chance to recognize and share those who inspire me. Likewise, I hear from others their list of educators and students who inspire them, and therefore expand my PLN.

Thank you, Edublogs, for providing this opportunity to acknowledge amazing educators around the globe, and for raising the awareness of the awesome impact social media and web 2.0 can have on our learning and our learners.

Here are my nominations for 2012: 

Best individual blog: Dare to Care by Denise Krebs
Dare to Care

Denise is a passionate educator who I learn so much from. Her blog, Dare to Care, focuses on the 6 Cs she puts in her tag line, "Creating, Contributing, Communicating, Connecting, Collaborating & Curating." Her genuine love for learning is apparent in all she does.

Best group blog: 1 to 1 Schools
1 to 1 Schools is a group blog for one-to-one learning. Each contributor takes a slightly different perspective, which creates an all-star team for one-to-one implementation as well as technology integration and 21st century learning. For example, Dr. Nick Sauers mainly posts from an administrative point of view, while Janet Moeller-Abercrombie posts from a teacher's point of view. The different perspectives create a well-rounded foundation to one-to-one learning and technology integration.

Best new blog: Ms Edwards Considers...
Ms Edwards Considers...
Sheri Edwards has several blogs, and I follow all of them because she has so much to share, which expands my own thinking. Sheri is a full time teacher and a Tech Director for her district; she wears many hats to say the least. This blog's focus is more for sharing classroom implementation of CCSS, transforming pedagogy, and teaching strategies from perspectives of Marzano's 41 criteria. I look forward to learning with her through her new blog.

Best class blog: Mrs. Yollis' Classroom Blog
Mrs. Yollis' Blog
My absolute favorite class blog is Linda Yollis'. Her blog was the first class blog I've ever followed, and I always return to it as an inspiration. I love how she uses her class blog to build community, awareness, and a joy for learning. I learn so much from following her blog, and her blog absolutely deserves recognition (again) for the incredible impact she makes on learners around the globe.

Best student blog: BB's Awesome Blog
BB's Awesome Blog
I am always amazed at Bianca's amazing posts and comments. I remember introducing a few of our AJUSD classes to commenting etiquette and took them to her blog. They were inspired by her thoughtful responses and how she would visit their blogs in return. Here we are a year later, and I still see her quality comments on their blogs.

Best ed tech / resource sharing blog: Integrating Technology in the Primary Classroom
Integrating Tech in the Primary Classroom
The best ed tech blog I learn from is Kathleen Morris' Integrating Technology in the Primary Classroom. Her content is innovative, filled with tangible and applicable learning for every level (even if you aren't a primary teacher). She makes it super easy for a newbie to feel right at home, while being encouraged to take the next step. I appreciate how Kathleen replies to all her comments, which lets us know how much she cares and is passionate about helping others create 21st century, learner-centered classrooms.

Best teacher blog: What Else by Sheri Edwards
What Else
No secret, I'm a big Sheri Edwards fan, and I appreciate all Sheri offers. One of my favorites of Sheri's blogs is "What Else" because I always have a take-away for an idea to share with others. Sometimes it's a direct idea through her post (such as an idea to implement in the classroom), and other times it's indirect (such as an example for how she posted or how she created a visual). I appreciate all the ideas for integrating technology and resources. Thank you, Sheri, for making a difference in so many lives!

Best library / librarian blog: Bulldog Readers Blog by Julie Hembree
Bulldog Readers Blog
I absolutely love this librarian's blog. She inspires students (of all ages) to pick up books and read, create, collaborate, and share. Hats off to Julie for her fabulous blog!

Best Administrator blog: This and That by Jon Castelhano
I know that traditionally when "administrator" is said, I think of a principal -- but not this time. The best administrator's blog is the blog of Technology Director, Jon Castelhano. He gets it. He gets how he and his department can help change the culture of a district. He empowers those around him to work towards the goal of a healthy, 21st century learning district, and he captures that in his blog.

Most influential blog post: "Staff Development Day: Blogging and the Google Teacher Academy" by Linda Yollis
Mrs. Yollis' Blog
This post by Linda Yollis made a huge impact on me. Linda's post opened my eyes to many practical ways I could take advantage of what Google offers, therefore has maximized my time by being able to do things more efficiently (such as managing online classes). I thank Linda for this post because I've learned many things that I wasn't aware of, and hadn't tried before. 

Best individual tweeter: Joan Young @flourishingkids
I met Joan two summers ago during the Edublogs ISTE Meet-up, and have been inspired by her ever since. I enjoy visiting her blog, and see her almost every time I'm on Twitter. She's a passionate educator who encourages, and shares a plethora of valuable resources and ideas. I highly recommend following Joan.

Best twitter hashtag: #comments4kids @wmchamberlain

#comments4kids is my favorite hashtag because it's a place where educators can ask others to comment on student posts. I've seen the disappointment in students after they've written a post, yet didn't receive comments... and the excitement from thoughtful comments. It can make their day. Check out #comments4kids, leave a comment, and put a smile on kids' faces. Thanks William Chamberlain!

Best free web tool: Twitter
Twitter is the best free resource I've been introduced to. The people I connect with, and resources and ideas shared on Twitter are a huge part of my professional development, learning, and growth.

Best educational use of audio/video/visual/podcast: Mr. Avery's Classroom Blog
Mr. Avery's Classroom Blog
Mr. Avery creates fabulous math videos and tutorials. I appreciate that he has his students host the math movies.

Best educational wiki: Flat Classroom
I love that this wiki is organized for students and teachers to collaborate on the Flat Classroom Project together. This wiki hosts several global collaborations, focused on global literacy and effective use of 21st century learning with technology. It deserves recognition as best educational wiki. Thanks Vicki Davis and Julie Lindsay for helping flatten classrooms!


Best open PD / unconference / webinar series: Edublogs Teacher Challenges
The Edublogs Teacher Challenges are fabulous open PD. It is the one link I share most frequently with colleagues throughout the year. Their professional development includes many free Web 2.0 tool tutorials, how to build a PLN, and blogging. They help teachers start their personal or professional blogs, class blogs, and student blogs. I learned about blogging from their challenges and the connections I made through their challenges. I am grateful for the outstanding professional development they provide.

Best educational use of a social network: Student Challenge
The Student Blogging Challenge is a fabulous way for classes and student bloggers to learn about blogging while connecting with others. There is ample choice throughout the weeks, it's fun and free of cost. Classes and students of all blogging experience are welcomed to learn more about their world through blogging. The instant authentic audience is rewarding for all who participate. Special thanks to Sue Wyatt for volunteering her time to organize the Student Blogging Challenges.

Best mobile app: ShowMe
Our students love creating presentations using ShowMe! Students find it easy to use, and teachers love using it for quick formative assessments and closure activities.

Lifetime achievement: Sue Wyatt
Miss W -- @tasteach
Sue Wyatt, also known as Miss W and @tasteach, volunteers her time to organize the Student Blogging Challenges. The amount of effort, time, and energy spent to provide students with an authentic purpose to help them create, connect, and improve their blogging is incredible. She leaves oodles of comments for the students and classes participating, while also teaching students and teachers to connect and comment on blogs around the globe. From the bottom of my heart, I thank her for all she does, and believe she deserves the Lifetime achievement award.

Best commenter: JoAnn Jacobs
JoAnn Jacobs
Now, I know there isn't a category in the Eddies for "Best Commenter" but if there was, I'd nominate JoAnn Jacobs because I find her quality comments on so many student and teacher posts throughout the blogosphere. I just want to extend recognition to her for that generosity of connecting with so many. Thank you, JoAnn!

Final Remarks:

I'd love to hear who your favorites are in either a comment or your own post. Be sure to send Edublogs your nominations in a post and connect to their Nominations Page.

Once the nominees are selected, please take some time to vote (you can vote once a day until the voting window closes). 
  • Who are your favorites?
  • What do you like about nominations and awards?
  • Why do you believe Edublog Awards raises awareness of 21st century learning?


  1. Tracy,
    Thank you so much for including me in this wonderful list of educators! I am always inspired by your thoughtful and insightful contributions. What a treat that we have been able to see each other the last 2 summers, and I hope that 2013 is another opportunity!
    Thanks again,

    1. Joan,

      I am so happy that Edublogs hosted that day event. I would have eventually have had our paths cross, but so wonderful to have met you f-2-f first... I look forward to ISTE13!

      Kind regards,

  2. Dear Tracy,

    Thank you so much for your kind nomination!

    The Edublog Awards are such a fantastic initiative. Hopefully from your post, others learn about some of my favourite blogs.

    Thank you too for nominating my former student, BB. She is a real blogging superstar!

    I too would love to see a best commenter award. Perhaps Edublogs could introduce that next year!

    Your friend,
    Kathleen Morris

    1. Dear Kathleen,

      You are so very welcome. I've learned so much from you, and would like for others to know the stellar example you are, with hopes they too will learn from you.

      Kind regards,

  3. Wow, Tracy, thank you so much for the distinct honor of being nominated here.

    This beautiful blog post says a lot. You spent a lot of time on it blessing others, showing your appreciation on this Thanksgiving week, and bringing awareness to 21st century learning.

    I agree, wholeheartedly with you and Kathleen about the commenter (com-mentor) category. JoAnn teaches much with her comments. There are a couple others I would nominate for that category too -- Joy Kirr and Ross Mannell. I hope we will see that category next year.

    Thank you again, friend,


    1. Hi Denise,

      I absolutely agree that Ross Mannell and Joy Kirr would get recognition for that category as well. Perhaps we will see that category next year...

      Kind regards,

  4. Dear Tracy,

    A million thanks for your kind words and constant support of student blogging! I love the opportunities that blogging affords my students and I so appreciate your recognition of our class blog.

    I love the idea of a Best Commenter Category! I hope they pick up your idea and start it next year. It is such a vital part of blogging and really needs recognition. Love it!

    Thank you, too, for the nomination for Most Influential Post! I learned so much at the Google Teacher Academy and I'm glad that you found my post useful! There was so much to learn, I could barely keep up!

    A heart-felt thank you, Tracy!

    Linda :-)

    1. Dear Linda,

      You are so very welcome! I've learned so much from you, and keep learning because you keep learning and sharing. Thank you for all you do!

      Kind regards,

  5. Tracy, thanks so much for nominating #comments4kids. When I helped start it I was just hoping a few people in my network would pick it up and we could create a community of students. I had no idea that it would catch on the way it has and am very grateful that so many students have benefited.

    1. William,

      Even though there are many great hashtags, #comments4kids directly impacts the students in amazing ways. I'm so glad you created #comments4kids because it's such a powerful and amazing way for students to build community (or teachers to reach out for their students).

      Kind regards,

  6. Tracy, Thank you so much for this honor. Your kind words came at the best time! I am humbled to be included with such fantastic people who have truly helped guide others. As always, your gracious words continue to inspire others to learn and grow.

    I agree, too, about the "Best Commenter" category. You would definitely be in that category!

    I made a few nominations as well: My Edublog Nominations

    Have a great week after break! Sheri

    1. Sheri,

      It's a joy to learn with you and to be part of your fabulous PLN. I am glad the timing was sweet to your ears.

      Thank you also for sharing your nominations. It's an honor to be named amongst so many fabulous educators.

      Kind regards,

  7. I do seriuosly love reading all that you write. Your ideas make me reflect on my own teaching and often points me in new directions. I know it is not an Edublog Award, but I have nominated you for a Liebster Award. Check it out: Teaching is Elementary

    Thanks Tracy for all that you share!

    1. Nancy, you are so kind! What a great way to share! I look forward to this. Thanks!

      Kind regards,


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