Our first Web 2.0 Smackdown

After experiencing the EdubloggerCon ISTE 2011 Web 2.0 Smackdown, I knew I wanted to see this in our district during professional development.

To add to that idea, I read a post by Patrick Larkin, Burlington High School Principal, about their flipping the Smackdown to the beginning of their Professional Development as a preview for their breakout sessions.

Our Collaboration Coaches, are just the people to introduce this idea to. They are passionate learners, collaborators, and focus on creating student-centered classrooms.

Our version of a Web 2.0 Smackdown

Any participants could share whatever tools/resources connecting to lesson improvement, coaching skills, or tech integration. The process:
  1. Submit topic and link to your visuals before we meet (collected in a Google Form).
  2. On the day we meet, present for 2 minutes live or show a recorded "trailer" for us.
  3. After smackdown, we'll vote for one to learn more about.
Tools and Resources

Here's what they shared:
  • MuseumBox,  a tool that helps make a collection (anything from text files to movies) on any given topic, shared by Bethany Myers

    • Screenr, a web-based screen recorder that captures anything on your screen and your voice, shared by Tina Jada.
    • Twitter Chats, focused discussions/professional development on Twitter that takes place at designated times, shared by Shauna Hamman.  
    •  Interactive Websites, oodles and oodles of resources for your subject matter, shared by Patti Carpenter.
    Web 2.0 Smackdown Wins

    Their enthusiasm as they shared the impact this made on their learners was awesome. It didn't matter which we voted for because we all heard many new ideas, tools, and resources.

    It was also encouraging to see how this group of educators took to a Web 2.0 Smackdown so readily. I am grateful that we have a culture that:
    • encourages us to try new ideas
    • focuses on our learners
    • engages us as active participants
    • fosters leadership
    • cultivates learning
    • promotes collaboration
    I thank our Collaboration Coaches for creating that culture through their beliefs, dedication, and all they do!

    Final thoughts
    • How does allowing the teachers to step into leadership roles impact the educators' active participation in professional development?
    • How does their shared ideas reflect our focus on 21st century learner-centered classrooms?
    • What would you like to add to the list, share back to our coaches, or add to this discussion?


    1. How does allowing the teachers to step into leadership roles impact the educators' active participation in professional development?

      Empowering teachers gives them a sense of ownership providing them the motivation to continue working hard for our students.

      How does their shared ideas reflect our focus on 21st century learner-centered classrooms?

      21st century skills are mission critical in society today. We must prepare our students for the workplace of the future.

      What would you like to add to the list, share back to our coaches, or add to this discussion?

      It's just refreshing to have so many dedicated educators that I have the privilege to work with.

    2. Hi Jerry,

      Thanks for commenting! I've been encouraged by all of you. You and the other AJHS Collaboration Coaches did a remarkable job with facilitating the 1:1/Tech Breakout Sessions the day before our Smackdown. All of the participation by our AJ educators in our breakout sessions was phenomenal. Thanks for making a difference!

      Kind regards,

    3. Hi Miss W
      A way I that I think would be effective to teaching kids about being safe and stuff on the internet is using games and interactive stuff that is fun and interesting and something that gets everyone involed. It might have storys that kids can relate to so they understand it more clearly.


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