Using Diigo for Student Portfolios

I had some great comments from my last post about student portfolios, Diigo, and blogs. This post is a continuation of that conversation.

Traditional Portfolios

When I think back to my beginning years in the classroom, I remember my student portfolios were in manilla file folders. Later, they became gorgeous construction paper books. On both accounts, they were linear, and you would view it from left to right, one page after another.
Currently, the two sites that stand out in my mind to collect student work in a linear manner are LiveBinders and Google Sites. Those are great options, and I'm sure there are a plethora I haven't even considered.

However, I am not always a linear thinker. I like having multiple options.

Diigo Portfolios

In Diigo, students could bookmark and collaborate regarding their resources, notes, etc. The teacher could view per assignment or per individual.

Here's a little video made in Screenr that shows my thinking:

Tips for Management in Diigo
  • If you have multiple classes, it may be easier to name students by the hour number and then the name. For example, if Tracy Ryan is in my first hour, I could name her 1TracyR.
  • Have tags for subject (i.e. math), type (i.e. geometry), specific (i.e. polygons), student user name (i.e. 1TracyR), and hour (i.e. hour 1).
  • For the portfolio piece, have them put a tag in for portfolio to identify that it is something they want represented in their portfolio beyond just their collection of work.
  • Decide if you will use quotes around groups of words, underscore, or no spaces. For example, "commutative property" vs. commutative_property vs. commutativeproperty. Then try to remain consistent.
  • For K-2 (and maybe 3rd), I personally don't think I'd try venturing into Diigo. I may teach them how to submit the URL on a Google Form with the title of the assignment and their name (the same data I'd use to sort in Diigo).

Final Thoughts
  • What other tips can we add to the list?
  • What else do I need to think through?
  • What questions do you have?
  • What have I missed?


  1. Hi TW!
    Have you looked into the "list" feature? Students could create lists based on subject, topic, or have one specifically for their portfolio. Still having the tags would be essential, but creating the lists would be an ideal way for students to stay organized.

  2. TO-
    I haven't even thought about the "list" feature. After watching this tutorial for making a list for your assignment to turn in (with the example of an annotated bibliography), I'm sold! Here's an even quicker video for managing lists.
    Thanks so much!

  3. Hi, Tracy,
    You and Sheri are really challenging me in exploring how I can use Diigo more effectively! Right now it is my only way to bookmark all the awesome information I am gathering. I love it for that, but I know it has so many more applications. You have given me food for thought.


  4. Hi Denise,
    Thanks for the comment! I too learn so much from Sheri. My Diigo learning has come primarily from Tawnya, Sheri, Suzie Nestico, Michelle Krill, and Vicki Davis. Of course, the Edublogs PLN Teacher Challenge #7 is an amazing place, as you already know. =)
    Hope that helps for more resources for digging further into Diigo. There is so much there beyond bookmarking, and I'm still learning.
    Kind regards,

  5. Hi Tracy,

    Great tutorial! I'm looking forward to using Diigo with my students and colleagues this coming year. I've connected sites I've uploaded to Diigo to a website I can share initially with the teachers from my school, but all are welcome to use it:


  6. Thanks for another thought-provoking post on eportfolios with Diigo. I was also considering Evernote, but that is way too expensive. I love Diigo's simplicity. You have explained it well. Can students share lists with the teacher? I think this is a winning idea for portfolios. Have you tried the webslide view? Students could make a portfolio list, create the webslides, and share it with those needing to see it. I wonder if annotations show up in the webslides? That would be their reflection. I have more to learn... and thank you for helping me plan my next prep time... Sheri

  7. Hi Theresa,

    That is a fabulous site and way to share with your staff! I hadn't seen that blog before. Is it something you do daily, or is it automatically set up to add the links in your blog? I like how it is a separate blog from your regular blog, because it has a different purpose.

    Kind regards,

  8. Hi Sheri,

    I love the webslide view! Yours is the first one I've seen, and I was able to read some of your notes in the bottom left corner as the slides rolled through. Here's a tutorial I found on it, and it shows how to add annotations to share with others.

    Thanks so much for adding this idea!

    Kind regards,

  9. Hi Tracy, I have created a Diigo Strategy sheet to start my students off with Diigo so they remember to tage and save to correct groups. You may find something useful, and you will probably have another idea I can use! Suggestions welcome :)

  10. Sheri,

    You are a genius! Thank you so much for taking the time to come back and share this with us!

    Kind regards,


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