Power of Vision

Changing culture requires a change in expectations of behaviors. Those behaviors will produce beliefs, which will affect culture... and it starts with the vision.

I applaud Dr. Wilson, AJUSD Superintendent, for focusing on what's best for learners. As a result, AJUSD's shared vision is “Arizona’s First Choice … Excellence In Everything We Do.” 

The plan to fulfill the vision shoots for College Readiness for All, by concentrating on one-to-one opportunities, individualized instruction, project based learning, and 21st century learning through rigor, relevance, and relationships.
The decisions made in the district connect back to the vision, and ultimately the question, "What's best for learners?"

I want to thank Steven W. Anderson for retweeting -- RT @: Greatest video on power and vision. I wouldn't have found this without your Tweet. Thank you Dr. Wilson for the vision.


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