VoiceThread Your Riddles

I love this project because it takes their 1st grade science standards and marries them to the reading, writing, and fluency standards. Students had to research their animals, write riddles, work on fluency, and topped it off with digital illustrations and publishing.

Google Docs Drawing
Ms. James' students were introduced to the netbook cart and Google Apps Drawing during this project. They loved using the shapes, layering them, and adding color.


VoiceThread allows others to comment on the project. I was amazed at the comments left by an elementary grade student.

This added another dimension to the students' original project. It added a digital audience. Fabulous!

Click here to view Part 2 of their Riddles on VoiceThread.

Thank you Ms. James for allowing me to collaborate with you on this project. Thank you for allowing your students the opportunity to appropriately integrate technology for learning. 


  1. Internet technology has brought about efficiency in terms of teaching and learning process, such as through video converence, teachers assign tasks and students sending homework via email. I do not want to see a day where school get virtualized through cloud computing technology, where company's staff is able to work at home. No sense anymore.

  2. Thanks for the comment Tikno! I agree, technology can enhance learning when used appropriately, but it is just the "tail" and not the "dog"--in reference to the saying, "It's the dog that wags its tail and not the other way around."

    Kind regards,


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