Project Based Learning

What are your favorite favorite examples of project-based learning? What are your favorite sites for resources, ideas, and PBL?

Thank you, Rachel, for introducing me to the Australian Arts Association.


  1. I have been exploring my new (free) account at This site has amazing resources. I was starting to struggle with certain things about PBL. For example, how does a rubric look when I'm keeping everything flexible so the kids can pave their own way? There is a downloads section on this site with help on how to build a rubric. It includes things like, "Displays a strategic approach when accessing information" or "Searches key sources efficiently." Why had it not occured to me that I could assess in this way? For one thing, I'm a writing teacher. I grade process all the time, but with projects I was grading the product only. To mimick my students, epic fail Ms. Gummow! Besides, these are the skills that are going to matter most in the workplace no matter what they end up doing. These are the skills that will enable them to be successful. There's also a rubric for me to check my own planning to make sure I'm creating the best project I can. I highly reccomend getting yourself an account at!

  2. Awesome insight and reflection, Ms. Gummow! You have made an extremely important point. I will write about rubrics on my blog in the future.

  3. I decided to dive deeper into the site and look for projects for myself, especially ones that have been done in the younger grades. And bam, I found something amazing! Me and Rhonda have been looking for interesting new projects for our walk to success groups and this teacher was finally able to show how to differentiate projects and give age appropriate ones! I love all three of these sites that are here, one just outlines their project and the other 2 are other projects to peruse.

  4. Bethany, that's fabulous that you found something you can actually use! Totally awesome also that you and Rhonda are collaborating and networking together. Huge smile on my face right now, Huge.

  5. I have been exploring the Intel Education site and I'm really enjoying it! I like how you can select projects by project type (webquest, service project, ect.), or grade level. The project index is helpful in slecting a project that meets your needs. I really like their Enduring Hereos project and think it would peak students' interest as well. The project is laid out and organized in a way that makes sense to me and is easy to follow. Essential questions guide the PBL and there are assessments and timelines built in. I can really envision the project and am excited to build upon it.

  6. I set up a Diigo account but have not done anything with it yet! Need to talk to the experts about what to do next! I also took the time to view the PBL resources and found that I liked the Intel website and loved how it showed how to design an effective project. Previewed the Construction and Design project as well as the Enduring Heroes project and felt both would be great projects to try with my students. Construction and Design would show students just how important learning math is to everyday life and how important it is when designing future marketable products. Also took a look at the Flat Stanley site. Great way to bring in Social Studies/History. From - Kim Shirley

  7. I have spent my exploration time searching for ideas for journalism projects without much luck. I've spent some time on the BIE site like others, I looked at the Intel site,, and several others and just haven't found many unique ideas. There are some language arts projects on BIE that I think I could adapt and combine, but I find myself in a familiar place. I can make almost anything fit my class because they can use media writing or design skills in almost anything. That's good, but it gives me so many options that it's hard to figure out what to do.

  8. @Lori- I love the Intel projects and the details laid out. I often used those to spark ideas, and then I'd adapt them to fit what my students needed and the amount of time I wanted to spend on it.

    @Kim- Glad you found some resources and had a chance to set up your Diigo account. If you go to my website Social Bookmarking Resources in the "Learn More" section there are tutorial links. I can come help as well... in addition to Amber and Shauna if needed.

    @JD Can you check out my digitalstorytelling bookmarks at ? I'd like to especially point out the "Where's the Beef? Adding Rigor to Student Digital Projects" and the "DigiTales- The Art of Telling Digital Stories". They might have some fabulous insight for you.

  9. I have set up a Diigo account and enjoy reading all the different things people post for different project they can do as a class. There is so much infromation out there, there will never be enough time to go through it all. It's nice to know there is so much help out there.

  10. Dear Anonymous,
    I am glad you have your Diigo account set up. It is true, we are a media saturated society. The key thing is to know what you want to know, and keep focused on that... and not to try to be informed of everything... just what applies to you/your students' learning. Does that help?

  11. Candi and I are still doing a lot of planning together, brainstorming ideas on what we can do to incorporate a PBL mega project into our 4th quarter- something with Scientific Method and a mega lab. We found some good ideas on the website links for last week and are still brainstorming on how we can tweak those to our use. This is still quite overwhelming.

  12. Hi Wendy,

    It takes time before the comfort is there. I applaud you for trying to engage the kids in new ways. Keep up the great work!



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