Speak Up 2010

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The Speak Up survey collects authentic feedback from students, families, and educators across the country. Data from prior surveys show students are primarily interested in: 1) social based learning; 2) un-tethered learning (anytime, anywhere, any device); and 3) digitally-rich learning environments. When given the question, "What is the ultimate digital textbook?", they respond favorably for interactive, relevant, and collaborative textbooks. They want the ability to search for terms easily, take digital notes on it, and to download it to their mobile devices.  They want to check for their own comprehension (like a benchmark), have learning games, online tutors 24-7, and built in accountability. In conclusion, students want learning-centered classrooms rather than teacher-centered classrooms.

Our district is involved in the Speak Up 2010 survey. I had the privilege of helping in three different third grade classrooms today with the facilitation of this survey. While I was facilitating the Speak Up survey, I was also introducing the students and teachers to some practical procedures to help manage netbooks in the classroom (they are new to the students and teachers this fall, and purchased from Title I funds for our elementary schools).

I have a few tips for our 3rd grade teachers as a result of my experience. 1) If you have a projector, it will run so much smoother because you can show them step by step where to go. If you don't, place a ticket immediately to project it to your TV! It's better than nothing! 2) If you are by yourself, teach 4-6 kids what the next step is, then send them around the room to help the others. 3) Logging in is the most tedious part, or atleast it was for our kiddos (especially without a projector). Just know that ahead of time. Even though they just have a few things to type, it will take time to get them used to it if it's a new procedure. Once you get them into the survey, it flows. 4) I recommend the facilitator reading it aloud to the third graders because the readability is probably above 3rd grade (the question about bias is a good example).

I look forward to seeing the results from our school district. Curious. Anticipating. Definitely worthy of the time each individual took to supply the data. Thanks Speak Up and Project Tomorrow!


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