I Can See Why He's One of the 20 to Watch

I'm still pondering all that I got out of the T & L Conference in Phoenix last month. One of the presentations was a combination of technology integration for STEM projects. The two presenters were Robert Miller, one of NSBA's "20 to Watch" for 2010, and BrainPOP's Kari Stubbs.

I loved the practical ways Miller used BrainPOP to engage students... and was entranced by his integrating the GPS into his curriculum. He created his own educational geocaching, but instead it was "educaching." Writing about it won't do it justice, so here's a little trailer from YouTube:

I typically take avid notes in conferences, but during this one, I was just astounded by Miller's innovation. However, there were two things I had written: rechargeable batteries and a charging station.

I also found the app for my iPhone "SCVNGR" and thought about giving it a whirl. Which got me thinking... How could I incorporate this idea into my current role? I thrive on innovation and would love to give something like this a try. Hmmmm. Am I daring enough to geocache for a team builder? I'll try to put that thought in check; meanwhile, all I've got to say is I can see why he's one of the "20 to Watch."


  1. So enjoyed your blog. I have really enjoyed the inservices this year. So much more teacher friendly and helpful.

  2. Thanks Lydia! So glad the professional development (PD) is worthy of our time. I know that having the district focused on 21st century learning environments, individualized instruction, project based learning, and one-to-one opportunities has been huge in evaluating what and how we offer PD. Thanks for your feedback.

    I hear you are doing some amazing things in your room. I'd love to hear about your 21st century learning environment. :-)

  3. Hello Tracy!
    I was planning out another version of my GPS course and saw your blog linking to our Lewis & Clark movie trailer... awww. Thanks for the kind words (but it is ROBERT Miller, lol)... Was wondering if you had done anything yet with your ideas.

    I am finding that GPS can also be incorporated in the usual field trips with a scavenger hunt twist, to be reused and improved every year. Engagement and active purpose to keep them focused and occupied.

    Funny, but what you ended this post with is exactly what I am thinking I may do during Preplanning next year.. drag our faculty out on the GPS trek (Ropes Courses are sooooo 90's)!

    Still waiting for the classroom tech to catch up with some of those GPS apps (maybe the iPod touch someday?)

    We should keep in touch.

    R. Miller

    PS... My class is heading out Monday and Tuesday on the Lewis & Clark trek.. exciting!

  4. Dear Robert Miller,

    Thanks so much for gently correcting me on your name. I'm so sorry that I had such a goof, but I think I have it all fixed now.

    I learned so much from you at the T & L, and your innovation is exceptional. Your students are lucky to have you!

    I haven't actually put my ideas in reality yet, but plan to for the beginning of next school year (which is in August). =)

    Your suggestion of intertwining geocaching with a regular field trip is fabulous. What an easy way to spice up a field trip, while including those skills. Thanks for the idea!

    I can't wait to see the new Lewis & Clark trek. Your class must be so excited! I placed you Class Happenings in my Google Reader so I can come back more often. Is that the best place to follow your class?

    Kind regards,
    Tracy Watanabe


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